Everyone deserves a healthy, clean, and safe place to call home.
Minnesota’s Smoke-Free Housing Directory
Looking for smoke-free housing in Minnesota? Look no further. Minnesota’s Smoke-Free Housing Directory is the state’s most comprehensive list of smoke-free rentals. Search by keyword, location, and more to find the right smoke-free apartment for you. If you own or manage a smoke-free building, help renters find your building by listing it here at no cost.

Burnsville Renters Support Citywide Smoke-Free Housing
Burnsville Renters Support Citywide Smoke-Free Housing From 2022-2023 Dakota County Public Health (DCPH) and Live Smoke Free (LSF) collaborated with the City of Burnsville to gather data to inform smoke-free housing ...

Cannabis Legalization and Smoke-Free Housing in Minnesota
Cannabis Legalization and Smoke-Free Housing in Minnesota As of Tuesday, August 1, 2023, adult-use cannabis (marijuana) is legal in Minnesota. The still evolving policy landscape has created confusion and challenges for ...

Mid Continent Management Corporation to launch Company-Wide Smoke-Free Policy
The Bluffs of Burnsville (picture above) and many other Twin Cities multi-family housing properties will go smoke free on September 1, 2023 under Mid Continent Management’s new smoke-free policy. Photo courtesy ...
About how we can help prevent the negative health impacts of secondhand smoke.
Who We Serve

Property Managers
Are you a property manager considering adopting a smoke-free policy for your multi-unit buildings? Do you currently have a smoke-free policy and need resources to promote compliance and enforcement? Find answers to your questions on policy adoption, implementation, and more.
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Are you a renter living in multi-unit rental housing? Are you experiencing secondhand smoke coming into your unit from somewhere else in your apartment building? You are not alone. Find resources and support that can help.
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Common Interest Communities
Are you a homeowner, association board member, or management staff interested in implementing a smoke-free policy at your common interest (condo, townhome, or cooperative) community? Are you looking for tools and strategies for policy compliance and enforcement at your CIC? Find the information and resources you need for a successful smoke-free policy in your community.
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Are you a public health or tobacco control professional? Do you work for a non-profit, public health organization, legal resource center, social service organization, health provider, or educational institution? There are many reasons to support smoke-free housing in your community. Connect with us, partner, and find resources here.
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Fire Departments
Do you work for a local or state fire department? Are you interested in reducing the risk of fire by promoting smoke-free policies? Find resources that can help you promote safer housing here.
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Policy Makers
Are you a local, state, or national policy maker? Have you been contacted by constituents concerned about secondhand smoke exposure in their home? Are you interested in public policy options to protect the health of your constituents and improve the quality and safety of the housing stock in your district? There are many policy options to consider. Find fact sheets, resources, and examples from across the country here.
Learn MoreShare Your Story
We want to hear how smoke-free housing has affected your health, your pocketbook, your career, your life. Share your story with us. Your story could help others.
If you’re suffering from secondhand smoke exposure, we can help. If you’re enjoying the benefits of smoke-free housing, we want to hear from you, too.
or submit your story here:
Your story is powerful and can help raise awareness about the importance of smoke-free housing. We may use your statement (with your permission) to help others understand the real challenges that residents in multi-unit housing face.
Check out these smoke-free housing stories from Dakota County, Minnesota.